Unique Clothing designed from Australia for Australia

Our story...

  • That situation

    Part 1.
    On a summer afternoon a group of friends went on a quest in Sydney aiming to find some cool button-up shirts for a social event. After hours browsing in op-shops and other retail points renown for having colourful and more eccentric types of clothing, they came back empty handed. The same scenario repeated itself while planning on going to a music event...

  • chinese tapestryshirt
  • The vision

    Part 2.
    One of them, a graphic designer called Leon, decided to find a solution so that we never have to struggle with finding colourful button-up shirts again. It was also observed that quirky or vintage-like printed button-up shirts inspired by Australian nature and culture were impossible to find. So why not create unique prints that combine the things we love?

  • Jumping into action

    Part 3.
    And so a very challenging journey began. Not knowing anything about fashion design and the apparel industry, everything had to be discovered and learnt. On the way many mistakes were made and the whole sourcing and production process took over a year, which is twice longer than anticipated. But the hard work paid of and the button-up shirts came out amazing !

    Join us for this journey as we create new collections, keeping this brand as extraordinary as possible !